
Filtered Tag: "test-automation" [reset]

I sometimes write things about development, tools and architecture. I hope it might help you, enjoy! :)

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Automate your tests with Xcode and TestRail

Automate your tests with Xcode and TestRail

Increase test management efficiency by sending testing results from Xcode to TestRail.

Improve your Shopware 6 experience with Fixtures

Improve your Shopware 6 experience with Fixtures

Improving development and testing experiences with fixtures in your Shopware 6 plugin and shop.

Automate your tests with Cypress and TestRail

Automate your tests with Cypress and TestRail

Increase test management efficiency by sending testing results from Cypress to TestRail.

Automate your tests with Ranorex and TestRail

Automate your tests with Ranorex and TestRail

Increase test management efficiency by sending testing results from Ranorex to TestRail.

Automate E2E Tests with Cypress, Shopware and Mollie

Automate E2E Tests with Cypress, Shopware and Mollie

Ever wanted to do real world payment and checkout E2E tests in an e-commerce system! This tutorial is made for you!

Design Patterns for sustainable automatic E2E Tests

Design Patterns for sustainable automatic E2E Tests

Sometimes you just want to do more with your E2E tests. Sometimes POM is not enough. Sometimes you want to build an architecture for it!